Saturday, April 23, 2005

Right Ho!

I decided to update my blog after a long time.... dont know how you put up your posts but I use the Google Toolbar - besides that my methods of blogging are pretty archiac. It took me over an hour to type out the updates on my blogroll with my unforgiving net connection. Now that I notice what's out there I forgot that I was to put a "Currently Reading: .." on the sidebar - but it seems like that'll have to be left to a sunnier day's afternoon. Anyways, here are the updates:

Links: I was planning on removing the techfest link but whatddayaknow they've already started updating it for Techfest'06. Techfest is an event for which we (read: three friends and I) slug it out for over three months come rain, college, parents or other friends and still look forward to the round of torture the next year.

Other Blogs:
Guess I have'nt introduced the (famous? infamous?) personalities on my roll yet so here goes:

DonQuixort: Real Name: Say-Lille Bon-Jour; Extremely distressed when I mentioned his Real Name on my blog last time; Reason why the lazy me gave up trying to hand code my blog and moved to blogspot; Managed to pull many-another into blogging; Good blog!

Fair Maiden in Trouble: Definitely the best new blog on the spot; Should I also say - the most talked about blog in college ? He's written so much recently that one can expect a print edition (never paperback?) being released soon; Has certain refernces to a programming contest that was organised by him/Kunal T that I attended. say, did I put up a post on a Puzzle Championship that we organised that he attended?

Youth Curry: Rashmi Bansal's (of JAMMag Fame) Blog. Remember JAMMag from Epiphany 2003 ppl ?

A lifeless extraordinary: Did I get that right? Welcome to the blogging world G.H.

My Dynasty: My friend Pradeep from CSE IITB. Wassup? Worth a visit.

Chaos Theory: Dani's blog. Likes to post photos of bigshots: Narain K. from F1, the Dani Bangla Backyard Sunset, The Moon as seen from the Dani Eye (wonder how he managed that). OMG, I still don't believe I'm doing my BE Project with this guy.

Space for rent: Kunal T's blog. Seems to be facing a time crisis (like I have); Has'nt blogged recently. Wassup? I think you've got my page on your blogroll wrong.

Anand: At his worst allright! Has'nt blogged in almost a year... On the way out of my blogroll. What? Orkut's ur new blog ?

Pune Quiz Blog: Called 'Notes and Stones' by some and 'Interrobang' by some others [Why?]. Dunno how it got into my list - I haven't quizzed in years. But just to put it on record, I intend to restart (solemnly, humbly, in traces) quizzing in the last semester of engg. [Just like the last year in school]

epiFUNNY!: The Joke Blog: Never really took off... On it's way out too... Should I delete it guys?

Nikhil: He's made a (National) prize winning device for the speech impaired (some call them d.u.m.b.) and chooses to remain 'mum' about it - I wonder why. Nice blog Nikhil... esp. impressive reading and listening to lists.

Which reminds me -
(My) Currently Reading - The Jeeves Omnibus No. 4 [Which explains the blog's title...]
Currently Listening - Burnin' Sneakers [Bomfunk MCs]

Sagar G. - I've lost your blog's address. Pl. send it across if you come across this.

Everyone - Wish you luck for the exams. What's plans for after that ?

And whoever came up with the Maaz joke... dude, you're a genious!

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